Pregnant woman dies due to doctor’s negligence,furious relatives demand Doctor’s arrest…


Pregnant woman dies due to doctor’s negligence,furious relatives demand Doctor’s arrest…
For jago uttarakhand,sunil Negi,President Uttarakhand journalist forum…
The lack of medical services, dearth of doctors and poor condition of hospitals in the districts and blocks of Uttarakhand despite being in negligible numbers have resulted in poor and inadequate treatment of patients suffering from various ailments. Lot has already been said and written in the print, electronics and social media about these inadequacies but literally nothing seems to have done to set right the situation to the peoples’ relief, especially the ailingmen and women. Even the ambulance108 is hardly available at times.It’s not that the government of the day might not been doing anything on this front. There are high claims of the government’s contribution in the health sector but the net result is to square one. If there are hospitals, they lack proper medical equipments, medicines and doctors. And if there are doctors, though in negligible numbers, they are utterly ignorant, unresponsive and complacent towards the patients.There have been several instances when these doctors drawing heavy salaries go on long leaves and run their private clinics earning sound profits in towns n cities, leaving their ailing patients in agony in the interior hospitals.In several cases in order to prolong their leaves these medical practitioners instead of joining their duties prefer to firther extend their leaves as without pay as what they earn through their private clinic’s practice is many many times more.To substantiate this argument of mine as to how non caring and ignorant are some of the doctors in government hospitals of Garhwal, Uttarakhand the shocking incident of district hospital, Rudraprayad is enough to prove home the point. On Tuesday, the 3rd of June a precious life of a young pregnant woman and her to be born baby was lost due to the uncaring and ignorant treatment of the doctor concerned. According to a journalist and social activist Mohit Dimri, who brought the shocking incident to lime light this is not a first isolated incident of a hospital death due to the negligence of the doctors and the hospital staff but in the past too such shocking casualties had been happening but of no avail.
On Tuesday morning a local resident of Mahadev Mohalla Asha Thapliyal who was fully pregnant was addmitted in the Rudraprayag district hospital after she developed acute pain. While all the reports of the pregnat woman were normal, she was referred to the Srinagar Hospital and Research Institute at 11.00 PM night showing her condition to be serious.While she was on the way she succumbed to acute pain alongwith her to be born baby. While the unconcous patient was likely to reach the hospital half of the head n body of the infant had come out.The lack of medical services,dearth of doctors and poor condition of hospitals in the districts and blocks of Uttarakhand despite being in negligible numbers have resulted in poor and inadequate treatment of patients suffering from various ailments. Lot has already been said and written in the print, electronics and social media about these inadequacies but literally nothing seems to have done to set right the situation to the peoples’ relief, especially the ailingmen and women. Even the ambulance108 is hardly available at times.t’s not that the government of the day might not been doing anything on this front. There are high claims of the government’s contribution in the health sector but the net result is to square one. If there are hospitals, they lack proper medical equipments, medicines and doctors. And if there are doctors, though in negligible numbers, they are utterly ignorant, unresponsive and complacent towards the patients.
There have been several instances when these doctors drawing heavy salaries go on long leaves and run their private clinics earning sound profits in towns n cities, leaving their ailing patients in agony in the interior hospitals.
In several cases in order to prolong their leaves these medical practitioners instead of joining their duties prefer to firther extend their leaves as without pay as what they earn through their private clinic’s practice is many many times more.
To substantiate this argument of mine as to how non caring and ignorant are some of the doctors in government hospitals of Garhwal, Uttarakhand the shocking incident of district hospital, Rudraprayad is enough to prove home the point.On Tuesday,the 3rd of June a precious life of a young pregnant woman and her to be born baby was lost due to the uncaring and ignorant treatment of the doctor concerned. According to a journalist and social activist Mohit Dimri, who brought the shocking incident to lime light this is not a first isolated incident of a hospital death due to the negligence of the doctors and the hospital staff but in the past too such shocking casualties had been happening but of no avail.OnTuesday morning a local resident of Mahadev Mohalla Asha Thapliyal who was fully pregnant was addmitted in the Rudraprayag district hospital after she developed acute pain.While all the reports of the pregnat woman were normal, she was referred to the Srinagar Hospital and Research Institute at 11.00 PM night showing her condition to be serious.While she was on the way she succumbed to acute pain alongwith her to be born baby. While the unconcous patient was likely to reach the hospital half of the head n body of the infant had come out.According to the husband and other close relatives the uterus of the pregnant woman got ruptured due to the wrong treatment and negligence of the doctor and the nursing staff of the Rudraprayag district hospital and when the situation became critical and out of hand they desperately referred her to Srinagar hospital and Research institute where she anguishingly met her abrupt end alongwith the new born baby before arriving in this beautiful world.The traumatic and in grief, the father in law of the deceased Deveshwar Thapliyal has demanded immediate registration of FIR and the subsequent arrest of the doctor because of whose negligence his pregnant daughter in law died.The deceased Asha Thapliyal left behind a seven year old daughter and her dejected husband. In the meanwhile the president of Jan Vikas Manch, journalist and social activist Mohit Dimri and several other activists of Rudraprayag, Garhwal, Uttarakhand have presented a memorandum to the district magistrate of Rudra Prayag district demanding immediate arrest of the doctor concerned accusing him of utter failure in discharge of his duties and negligence that lead to Asha Thapliyal and her baby’s death.They have also demanded immediate registration of an FIR and adequate monetary compensation to the bereaved family. In case the needful is not done within a week’s time the office bearers of the Manch and the badly agitated local populace have threatened to resort to direct action like protest demonstrations and sit in dharna’s including indefinite hunger strikes.According to the husband and other close relatives the uterus of the pregnant woman got ruptured due to the wrong treatment and negligence of the doctor and the nursing staff of the Rudraprayag district hospital and when the situation became critical and out of hand they desperately referred her to Srinagar hospital and Research institute where she anguishingly met her abrupt end alongwith the new born baby before arriving in this beautiful world.The traumatic and in grief,the father in law of the deceased Deveshwar Thapliyal has demanded immediate registration of FIR and the subsequent arrest of the doctor because of whose negligence his pregnant daughter in law died. The deceased Asha Thapliyal left behind a seven year old daughter and her dejected husband.In the meanwhile the president of Jan Vikas Manch, journalist and social activist Mohit Dimri and several other activists of Rudraprayag, Garhwal, Uttarakhand have presented a memorandum to the district magistrate of Rudra Prayag district demanding immediate arrest of the doctor concerned accusing him of utter failure in discharge of his duties and negligence that lead to Asha Thapliyal and her baby’s death.They have also demanded immediate registration of an FIR and adequate monetary compensation to the bereaved family. In case the needful is not done within a week’s time the office bearers of the Manch and the badly agitated local populace have threatened to resort to direct action like protest demonstrations and sit in dharna’s including indefinite hunger strikes.


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